If you are leading or singing with a choir, you will have experienced the amazing feeling that rushes through the group as each member sings in harmony. This feeling is even more amazing when you are part of a group that is leading worship or performing at a special religious event. To complement your group’s harmonious sound, it is important that your look is also in sync. Purchasing the right set of choir robes for an entire group is challenging. However, the experts at Acadmia have made the process simple and quick. Our team understands that you want your choral group to look its best, which will help them perform their best as well. Here are some tips from our experts at Acadima for choosing the right apparel for your choir group: • Choose the Right Colour – If your church or organization has a set colour theme, such as in the décor of the building or the logo of the institution, consider basing the design of your choir robes on this theme. The experts suggest avoiding bright colours, like bright pink or orange, as these colours might not look great on everyone and can be distracting. Instead, stick with colours that blend and do not compete with the environment, like dark red, black, blue, green or white. • Choose the Right Sleeves – Long sleeves are the traditional choice for choir robes. They ensure that whatever is worn beneath the robe is covered up and they give your group the traditional look of a choir. However, if you are looking for a new, modern look, you could choose a robe that has short sleeves instead. • Choose the Right Length – Though a small detail, it is important that you do not overlook it when choosing and purchasing a set of choir robes for an entire group. To avoid robes that are way too long or short, record measurements for all of your choir members. This way you will know the exact lengths you need for each gown. Robes that fit right are going to look much better than robes that do not. Acadima Offers the Best in Choral Apparel Along with choosing the right colour, sleeves and length, you also want to choose a robe that is made of quality materials. Choral apparel gets a lot of wear, as it is typically worn weekly at church services, and again for special events. If you want choir robes that are made with the highest-quality materials and craftsmanship, turn to Acadima. Along with our wide range of unique styles, we also offer customization options. By being able to completely customize your choir’s robes, you will ensure that you create the exact look you want for your worship service. Be sure to visit our website or give us a call today for more information on our wide range of choir robes and other choral accessories, such as stoles. The Acadima team is here to help you get the right look at the right price.